dreaming about dead loved ones

The Tangible Meaning Behind Dreaming about Dead Loved Ones

Ever been visited by a departed loved one in a dream? 

You’re not alone.

Studies suggest that 50-70% of people have dreamt about deceased loved ones at some point in their lives. Yet, the emotional impact is often left unexplored.  

Dreaming about dead loved ones may signify various things. Here are a few:

  • Unresolved grief Dreams can surface when grief remains unprocessed and intense emotions unresolved.
  • Subconscious processing Dreams serve as a coping mechanism for the mind to process and make sense of loss and emotions associated with it.
  • Longing for connection Dreams can manifest a yearning for connection, a desire for presence and comfort.
  • Symbolic messages The appearance of a deceased loved one in a dream may carry symbolic messages of guidance, reassurance, or emotional healing.
  • Desire for closure The subconscious mind uses dreams to seek closure or understanding related to the departed.

Let us dive deeper into the spiritual and psychological layers of these dreams, unravel their symbolism, and extract practical tips for coping with grief.

Dreaming About Dead Loved Ones: Why Does It Happen?

Dreaming of a passed loved one is an emotional experience that many encounter, especially in moments of grief.

These dreams, where deceased relatives or friends make an appearance, can be a form of closure for those dealing with the complexities of loss.

Dreams could become a safe space where our loved ones return, offering comfort and a sense of connection, a gentle nudge to forgive and let go.

They could also bring a sense of unease that stirs intense emotions, unresolved conflicts, guilt, and blame can emerge from the depths of night. Sometimes, the darkest night is within.

To those who have experienced such dreams, know that you are not alone in this. 

Here are a few suggestions that may help you understand the meaning behind such dreams.

Two Viewpoints on the Meaning Behind Dreams of Beloved Departed

Seeing a deceased loved one in a dream often invites contemplation, and two viewpoints offer intriguing perspectives. For some, it is a subconscious reflection of grief or longing, a natural psychological response.

On the other hand, many cultures and spiritual beliefs consider such dreaming of a passed loved one as messages or visits from the departed, offering comfort and guidance.

Harmonizing these viewpoints provides a comprehensive understanding of the dream, where psychological and spiritual interpretations coexist.

Psychological Perspectives: Analyzing Dreaming about Dead Loved Ones

Psychologists often examine dreaming about dead loved ones through the means of the subconscious, navigating the complexities of grief and the bereavement process. 

But is it bad to see a dead person in a dream? From their standpoint, these dreams are often considered a natural part of the bereavement process.

Delving into the subconscious mind, some psychologists utilize theoretical frameworks to interpret these dreams.

  • Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, saw them as a subconscious coping mechanism. Our mind revisits dreams to work through the unresolved feelings of guilt, anger, or sadness related to the deceased.
  • Carl Jung, the father of analytical psychology, believed these dreams to be a pathway to the unconscious, tackling unresolved emotions and fostering personal growth. We may receive messages that metaphorically encode feelings and hint toward festered pain points. They may be unpleasant but looking into them helps us cope with the loss and move forward.
  • Kübler-Ross, known for her work on the five stages of grief, acknowledged the therapeutic potential of such dreams. They are a way for the dreamer to express emotions they may be struggling with in reality, like denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.
  • William Domhof, a pioneer researcher in the cognitive function of dreaming, suggested that dreams aid in problem-solving and emotional regulation. Dreaming about a deceased loved one can be the mind’s attempt to process the actual reality of the loss and adjust to its emotional toll on us.

Ultimately, dreams about dead loved ones are unique lenses into the complex emotions of grief. They showcase the profound impact our subconscious has on our healing journey.

Deep Spiritual Connections

Dreaming of a dead person talking to you usually holds a significant meaning. It’s often seen as a form of spiritual guidance.

In many cultures and belief systems, such dreams are viewed as a form of communication from the afterlife.

  • In Western cultures, including Christian and Jewish traditions, these dreams are often recognized as divine guidance or messages from departed souls
  • In African and Native American cultures, dreaming of the dead is considered a powerful conduit to the spirit world
  • In Hindu and Buddhist religions, such dreams hold significance in connecting with the deceased

The departed may be offering guidance, comfort, or reassurance. It’s often seen as a way for the deceased to convey messages, share love, or provide closure. 

Emotional Themes in the Dreams of Deceased Loved Ones

Why do we dream of dead loved ones? Well, the dreams of deceased loved ones offer a momentary connection to the afterlife. 

These dreams often carry common symbolism — emotional reunions, heartfelt conversations, or the presence of significant objects that connect you to them. 

These symbolisms become a source of comfort, a channel for healing through dreaming. Trust your intuition; let these memos from the departed guide you. 

Also, reflect on your emotional responses. By decoding these dreams, you don’t just unwind the subconscious but also the bond with those you’ve lost. 

Visitation Dreams: Connections to the Other Side

What is a visitation dream? Visitation dreams involve vivid and realistic interactions with deceased loved ones, offering a sense of connection to the other side. 

These dreams are profound encounters, bridging the gap between the living and the departed.

Psychologists like the renowned Carl Jung, consider them as manifestations of the subconscious mind or archetypal symbols that reflect unresolved emotions.

For many, dreaming about dead loved ones can be a therapeutic experience, providing a sense of reassurance and a unique form of emotional connection.

The symbolism within such dreams often carries personal value, holding a unique power to provide healing and ease the grieving process. 

Memories as Dreams

Dreams, where memories of the departed can be relived, are considered unique psychological reflections of the grieving individual’s emotional state.

The meaning behind dreaming about dead loved ones holds dual perspectives—either a therapeutic approach to cherishing memories or a subconscious mechanism to suppress painful recollections.

The emotional state of the grieving party often shapes the dreamscapes, making them a fascinating reflection of their journey through loss and remembrance.

For instance, someone overwhelmed by grief may experience dreams characterized by longing and sadness.

On the other hand, a person finding acceptance and peace in the grieving process may encounter dreams filled with warmth and shared laughter.

Writing down the dreams and the feeling they’ve left right after waking up helps in memorizing and understanding them. Putting into words what you’ve felt and experienced while sleeping is like building a bridge toward the subconscious.

Here are a few more practical ways to recollect and reflect upon the dreams about dead loved ones.

Practical Tips for Dream Recall and Reflection

The grieving process in its entirety can be overwhelming. But, embracing it fosters a deeper connection with dreams involving deceased loved ones. 

  • Keep a dedicated dream journal to record vivid details upon waking up
  • Prioritize using relaxation techniques like meditation before bedtime to enhance dream recollections
  • Engage in reflective exercises like analyzing symbolisms and using creative outlets like drawing or writing to decipher the hidden messages within
  • If the dreams are too cryptic or emotionally charged, talk to a therapist or counselor who specialise in grief

These tips open a channel to a more meaningful and connected dream experience, offering insights and comfort when dreaming about the departed. 


Dreaming about dead loved ones can be a powerful source of healing and solace. The tangible meanings behind these dreams are as diverse as the individuals experiencing them. 

Dreaming of a passed loved one can weave a curtain of spiritual interconnectedness that transcends the boundaries of physical existence. 

Often, the dreams about dead loved ones are an untapped well of guidance. Even if they are disturbing, dreams cannot really hurt us, but they can certainly illuminate us.

Trust your intuition, write things down, and continue exploring this unique connection with your departed loved ones. 

More information on Coping with Grief can be found here.

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